Object-Oriented Software Engineering

This is an archived version of https://www.jhu-oose.com that I (Leandro Facchinetti) developed when teaching the course in the Fall of 2019. Some of the links may be broken.

A Course at the Johns Hopkins University

Fall 2019
EN.601.421 (Undergraduate Students) · EN.601.621 (Graduate Students)
Homewood Campus · Mergenthaler Hall · Room 111
Mondays & Wednesdays 13:30–14:45


Course Description




Opportunities for Extra Points

Fun Stuff Students Did

Students Area 🔒


Staff Area 🔒

Course Assistant Candidates

Course Material


TODOOSE: Building an Application from Scratch


Lecture 0: Project Proposal

Lecture 1: Design Rudiments

Lecture 2: Design Principles

Lecture 3: Design Patterns

Lecture 4: Implementation · Server

Lecture 5: Implementation · Client

Lecture 6: Implementation · React

Lecture 7: Implementation · Investigating Mysteries

Lecture 8: Security

Lecture 9: Programming Paradigms

Lecture 10: Open-Source

Individual Assignments

Assignment 0: Project Proposal

Assignment 1: Design Rudiments

Assignment 2: Design Principles

Assignment 3: Design Patterns

Assignment 4: Implementation · Server

Assignment 5: Implementation · Client

Assignment 6: Implementation · React

Assignment 7: Implementation · Investigating Mysteries

Assignment 8: Security

Assignment 9: Programming Paradigms

Assignment 10: Open-Source


Group Projects

Iteration 0: Project Proposal

Iteration 1: Design

Iteration 2: First Feature

Iteration 3: Core Features

Iteration 4: More Features

Iteration 5: Even More Features

Iteration 6: Full Application